If you’re re-evaluating your expenses, your car insurance policy is probably a good place to start! You might be paying the same rate you were paying ten years ago because you haven’t explored your options for changing policies. Intentionally exploring how you can save money on your car insurance could end up in your favor. […]
Continue readingYour car insurance protects you from unforeseen costs resulting from vehicle accidents and other unexpected situations, which is why it is important to choose a provider that meets your exact insurance needs. If you feel that you are no longer satisfied with the coverage or services offered by your current insurer, it may be time […]
Continue readingBuying groceries is a necessity, but if you’re like a lot of people, you might spend a lot more on them than you have to. It can be easy to get carried away when you’re tossing items in your cart (especially if you go shopping when you’re hungry), but if you aren’t careful, your grocery […]
Continue readingBeing in debt is stressful enough without having collection agencies harassing you at all hours of the day and making you feel like a criminal. If you are in debt and late on your payments, you are probably quite overwhelmed and may think that the collection agency is right in harassing you. However, that is […]
Continue readingA good credit score can be your ticket to the good life – lower interest rates, less deposit requirements, preferential treatment for loans and even rentals. On the other hand, having a bad credit score can be the financial equivalent of being a leper. Luckily, increasing your credit score isn’t very hard. Lets say, for […]
Continue readingAre you up to your eyeballs in debt? Stressed out because your payments are as large as your paycheck? You’re not alone. The average American carries more debt, especially student loans, than at any other point in history. However, there is a way out. If you want more of your paycheck to land in your […]
Continue readingIt’s that time again! Perhaps you’re looking to apply for a new car loan, purchase a home or maybe looking to add on an addition to your existing home. There are many reasons you may want to check your credit score. But, with so many sites out there and so many being added each and […]
Continue readingThe world of car sales is a world of blurred price points and sometimes blurred morals. The cliché idea of a car salesman is a loud, fast-talking swindler who wants to take your money and send you on your way. Before you apply for a car loan, you should know how to handle yourself in […]
Continue readingGetting a loan to pay off credit cards – Not a great idea. Financial advisors and investing hobbyists will all tell you the same thing… in more cases than not it is a bad idea to pay off a credit card debt with another loan. It’s certainly attractive, and many loan companies will make it […]
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